
Annual report

To view the latest Annual Report

Annual General Meeting

Notice of the 2024 SRC Annual General Meeting

Electronic Notices

In February 2022, the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 came into effect. The new laws establish a more practical and simpler system for companies to send documents to members electronically.

Find out more……

Financial Information

The Sydney Rowing Club is by law required to keep a register containing information that relates to the management and financial administration of the club. View register
Members may view the register or the financial statements or receive a copy of the financial statements by written request to the club.

Club Policies

Plan of Management

SRC / Burwood Canada Bay Liquor Accord Patron Code of Conduct

Privacy Policy

Complaints Resolution Process

Dress Regulations

Election to Board Rules

Whistleblower Policy

Gaming Plan of Management

Community Support

We were fortunate enough again to provide support to a wide range of community groups and associations. The Sydney Rowing Club is dedicated to providing support to local schools, charities and groups, with assistance provided to many organisations.

Sydney Rowing Club contributed the following to our deserving recipients during the 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 period.

Abbotsford 12′ Sailing Club – $3,000 – Cash – Cat 1

Drummoyne Rugby Foundation – $5,000 – Cash – Cat 1

STAR’s Rowing Support Program – $44,296 – Cash – Cat 2

Sydney Rowing Club contributed the following to our deserving recipients during the 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022 period.

STAR’s Rowing Support Program – $47,094 – Cash – Cat 2

Abbotsford Rowing Club – $4,000 – Cash – Cat 1

ClubsNSW Club Gaming Code of Practice Policies

Gambling Policy Statement

Access to Cash Policy

Minors Policy

AML/CTF Ban Policy